| 1. | Petrol prices exceed 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 无铅石油价格升了1英镑每升,抵押贷款和信用卡费用也在增加。 |
| 2. | Petrol prices exceed ? 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 无铅汽油价格已超过1每升,同时贷款数目和信用卡消费也突增。 |
| 3. | Petrol prices exceed ? 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 汽油价格已超过无铅汽油1 ,同时贷款数目和信用卡消费也突增。 |
| 4. | Petrol prices exceed ? 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 在按揭支出和信用卡费用上涨的同时,无铅汽油的价格突破了1升1法郎。 |
| 5. | Petrol prices exceed ? 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 无铅汽油每公升上涨了1块钱,贷款利率和信用卡的卡费也都相应上升了。 |
| 6. | Petrol prices exceed ? 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 一升无铅燃料汽油价格超过了1英镑,而抵押还贷和信用卡费用也在提高。 |
| 7. | Petrol prices exceed ? 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 一公升无铅汽油价格增至1元,与此同时贷款利率和信用卡利率也持续上升。 |
| 8. | Petrol prices exceed ? 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 一升无铅汽油的价格也超过了1英镑,资产抵押支付费用和信用卡管理费也在涨涨涨! |
| 9. | Petrol prices exceed ? 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 不含铅的汽油价格超过了1欧元每升,与此同时抵押支付金和信用卡费用也正在增长。 |
| 10. | Petrol prices exceed ? 1 for a litre of unleaded fuel , while mortgage payments and credit card fees are also rising 无铅汽油的价格已经超过了1升1英镑,与此同时抵押贷款还有信用卡的手续费也在增长。 |